Myotrac Packs Extreme Sensitivity Into A Light Compact Unit That Works For You And Your Patient In The Clinic Or Home * It Is Ideal For Clinical Assessment As Well As For Self-training * Myotrac Allows Total Freedom Of Movement For Ambulatory Exercises And Provides A Bright Light Bar And Proportional Tone Biofeedback * The Unit Is Accurate And Reliable * Myotrac Offers Three Sensitivity Ranges For Muscle Strengthening Rehabilitation Or Relaxation Therapy And Provides Stable Readings In Less Than A Second * Features: The Highly-sensitive Myoscan Active Sensor Needs No Skin Preparation Two Modes Of Biofeedback – Led And 5 Way Tone – Provide Flexibility 5 Way Tone Feedback Includes Proportional Above And Below Threshold And 4-second Delayed Alarm 13-segment Led Bargraph Offers Expanded Range For Precise Visual Feedback * Wide And Narrow Bandpass Filters Provide Precise Monitoring Of Normal And Fatiguing Muscles And Eliminate Heart-beat Artifact 0 To 2 Volts Dc Output Allows To Connect To Third Party Equipment And Permits Computerized Monitoring * Low Current Consumption Provides Long Battery Life * Weight: 2 Lbs
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